Anatomy Trains Stuctural Integration (ATSI)
ATSI is a form of myofascial bodywork taught by Tom Meyer's with its origins in Dr. Ida Rolf's work. Over time through occupation, physical/emotional trauma, or just stress in general, we start to develop sub optimal mobility and movement patterns. The ATSI work aims to achieve harmony in the connective tissue through manual manipulation of myofascia, assisted by the clients movement. A body reading is done visually and with some palpation to determine where the disharmony is in the myofascialskeletal system i.e. which hip is higher or lower or which shoulder etc. This gives us an idea of what the connective tissue is doing and we create a strategy to work with your unique body.
The work is done without lotion so that I can work on the connective tissue; I may use a small amount of shea butter. We begin at the more superficial layers and gradually go deeper into the myofascia. The client is moving as I am manually working on their connective tissue. I adapt to the clients' unique structural imbalances. Some people require more pressure and some less to achieve beneficial results. The client wears shorts and a sports bra or other suitable attire. Sessions are either one-off triage sessions or series work where the client commits to a series of sessions to do deep work on their connective tissue imbalances.